tp::utils namespace

Convenience utilities that build upon the base Tephra interface.


class AutoRingBuffer
A ring buffer implementation with automatic allocation of memory and timestamp-based garbage collection.
class GrowableRingBuffer
A ring buffer implementation that supports resizing. Useful for suballocating and reusing buffer memory.
class MutableDescriptorSet
A mutable variant of tp::DescriptorSet. Updating a Vulkan descriptor set after binding it is not allowed by default. This class maintains a state of all its descriptors so they can be set one at a time. By calling tp::utils::MutableDescriporSet::commit, a new descriptor set will be created based on the current state. Any following set calls won't disturb the already created descriptor set.
class StandardReportHandler
A tp::DebugReportHandler implementation with default message formatting, writing to a standard output stream.