tp::BufferSetup struct

Used as configuration for creating a new tp::Buffer object.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

BufferSetup(uint64_t size, BufferUsageMask usage, VkBufferUsageFlags vkAdditionalUsage = 0, VmaAllocationCreateFlags vmaAdditionalFlags = 0)

Function documentation

tp::BufferSetup::BufferSetup(uint64_t size, BufferUsageMask usage, VkBufferUsageFlags vkAdditionalUsage = 0, VmaAllocationCreateFlags vmaAdditionalFlags = 0)

size The size of the new buffer in bytes.
usage A mask of tp::BufferUsage specifying the permitted set of usages of the new buffer.
vkAdditionalUsage A mask of additional Vulkan usage flags that will be passed to VkBufferCreateInfo.
vmaAdditionalFlags A mask of additional VMA allocation create flags that will be passed to <a href='">VmaAllocationCreateInfo