tp::ColorAttachment struct

Represents an tp::ImageView as a render pass color attachment, allowing it to be bound as a render target inside of a render pass. Also specifies any operations on it that are to be done at the beginning or end of the render pass.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Describes an empty attachment.
ColorAttachment(ImageView image, AttachmentLoadOp loadOp, AttachmentStoreOp storeOp, ClearValue clearValue = {}, ImageView resolveImage = {}, ResolveMode resolveMode = ResolveMode::Average)

Function documentation

tp::ColorAttachment::ColorAttachment(ImageView image, AttachmentLoadOp loadOp, AttachmentStoreOp storeOp, ClearValue clearValue = {}, ImageView resolveImage = {}, ResolveMode resolveMode = ResolveMode::Average)

image The image view used as an attachment.
loadOp The load operation done at the start of the render pass.
storeOp The store operation done at the end of the render pass.
clearValue If load operation is tp::AttachmentLoadOp::Clear, specifies the clear value.
resolveImage The image view that resolved multisample data will be written to at the end of the render pass.
resolveMode The resolve mode that will be used if resolveImage is defined.