tp::MemoryHeapStatistics struct

Returns statistics associated with a Vulkan memory heap.

Public variables

uint64_t allocationBytes
The size of all resources allocated from this heap in bytes.
uint32_t allocationCount
The number of resources allocated from this heap.
uint64_t blockBytes
The size of all blocks of backing memory allocated from this heap in bytes. It is always greater or equal to allocationBytes.
uint32_t blockCount
The number of blocks of backing VkDeviceMemory.
uint64_t processBudgetBytes
The estimated amount of memory available for use by this process in bytes. Fetched from system if tp::DeviceExtension::EXT_MemoryBudget is enabled.
uint64_t processUsageBytes
The estimated current memory usage of this process in bytes. Fetched from system if tp::DeviceExtension::EXT_MemoryBudget is enabled.

Variable documentation

uint64_t tp::MemoryHeapStatistics::blockBytes

The size of all blocks of backing memory allocated from this heap in bytes. It is always greater or equal to allocationBytes.

uint64_t tp::MemoryHeapStatistics::processBudgetBytes

The estimated amount of memory available for use by this process in bytes. Fetched from system if tp::DeviceExtension::EXT_MemoryBudget is enabled.