tp::SwapchainSetup struct

Used as configuration for creating a new tp::Swapchain object.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

SwapchainSetup(VkSurfaceKHR vkSurfaceHandle, PresentMode presentMode, uint32_t minImageCount, ImageUsageMask imageUsage, Format imageFormat, Extent2D imageExtent, uint32_t imageArrayLayerCount = 1, ArrayView<Format> imageCompatibleFormatsKHR = {}, bool clipped = true, SurfaceTransform preTransform = SurfaceTransform::UseCurrentTransform, CompositeAlpha compositeAlpha = CompositeAlpha::Opaque, SwapchainFlagMask flags = SwapchainFlagMask::None(), void* vkCreateInfoExtPtr = nullptr)

Function documentation

tp::SwapchainSetup::SwapchainSetup(VkSurfaceKHR vkSurfaceHandle, PresentMode presentMode, uint32_t minImageCount, ImageUsageMask imageUsage, Format imageFormat, Extent2D imageExtent, uint32_t imageArrayLayerCount = 1, ArrayView<Format> imageCompatibleFormatsKHR = {}, bool clipped = true, SurfaceTransform preTransform = SurfaceTransform::UseCurrentTransform, CompositeAlpha compositeAlpha = CompositeAlpha::Opaque, SwapchainFlagMask flags = SwapchainFlagMask::None(), void* vkCreateInfoExtPtr = nullptr)

vkSurfaceHandle The surface onto which images will be presented.
presentMode Determines how present operations will be processed and queued internally.
minImageCount The minimum number of swapchain images that the application needs. More images can be created if necessary.
imageUsage A mask of tp::ImageUsage specifying the permitted set of usages of the swapchain images.
imageFormat The format the data will be interpreted as.
imageExtent The extent of the swapchain images in two dimensions.
imageArrayLayerCount The number of array layers the swapchain images should have.
imageCompatibleFormatsKHR The list of additional compatible formats that the tp::ImageView objects viewing the swapchain images are permitted to have. Requires DeviceExtension::KHR_SwapchainMutableFormat.
clipped Specifies whether the implementation is allowed to discard rendering operations that affect regions of the surface that are not visible.
preTransform Describes the transform applied to image content prior to presentation.
compositeAlpha The alpha compositing mode.
flags Additional flags for creation of the swapchain.
vkCreateInfoExtPtr A pointer to additional Vulkan structures to be passed in pNext of VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR.