tp::DescriptorSetView class

Represents the non-owning view of a tp::DescriptorSet.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Creates a null descriptor set view.

Public functions

auto isNull() const -> bool
Returns true if the viewed descriptor set is null and not valid for use.
auto viewsJobLocalSet() const -> bool
Returns true if the instance views a job-local descriptor set. Returns false if it views a persistent one.
auto vkResolveDescriptorSetHandle() const -> VkDescriptorSetHandle
Resolves and returns the underlying VkDescriptorSet handle of this view or VK_NULL_HANDLE if it doesn't exist.

Function documentation

VkDescriptorSetHandle tp::DescriptorSetView::vkResolveDescriptorSetHandle() const

Resolves and returns the underlying VkDescriptorSet handle of this view or VK_NULL_HANDLE if it doesn't exist.