tp::SurfaceCapabilities struct

Describes the capabilities of a VkSurfaceKHR and the capabilities of a physical device to present to that surface.

Public functions

auto isSupported() const -> bool
Returns true if the surface is supported and a swapchain can be created for it.

Public variables

Extent2D currentExtent
The current extent of the surface, or (~0, ~0) if it will be determined by the swapchain.
SurfaceTransform currentTransform
The current transform of the surface.
uint32_t maxImageArrayLayers
The maximum allowed number of image array layers.
uint32_t maxImageCount
The maximum allowed number of swapchain images, or 0 if there is no limit.
Extent2D maxImageExtent
The maximum allowed image extent.
uint32_t minImageCount
The minimum allowed number of swapchain images.
Extent2D minImageExtent
The minimum allowed image extent.
CompositeAlphaMask supportedCompositeAlphas
A mask of supported composite alpha modes.
ArrayView<Format> supportedFormatsSRGB
An array of formats supported by the surface for the sRGB color space.
ImageUsageMask supportedImageUsages
A mask of supported image usages. ColorAttachment usage is always supported.
ArrayView<PresentMode> supportedPresentModes
An array of supported present modes. The FIFO mode is required to be supported.
ArrayView<QueueType> supportedQueueTypes
An array of queue types that support present operations for this surface.
SurfaceTransformMask supportedTransforms
A mask of all supported transforms of the surface.